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Sunday, January 9, 2011


Everybody says one should not have caste feeling..
All men/woman have same blood etc etc
Ok ...ok...
I am reading most oftenly in news papers that most of the characters of human species are coz of genes...
ok sir ..ok
Also read that even if a person smokes one cigarrette in his life it is imprinted in his genes..
Not only that..tendency for illegal relationships is in genes...
If the nature of a person is decided by his genes and if genes is governed by his actions
then people doing similar actions should have similar type of genes and similar nature....
A blacksmith does similar work through out his life and chance is that his work is prinited in his genes...
Hence there is no surprise that his offspring may have tendency to do similar job..or work..
Similarly a butcher ...a smoker...an actor etc...

In olden days it is heard that people of same profession are identified by caste...
Then the genes carried by same caste people and hence the nature of same caste people would generally be same...as the marriages happened within same caste ....the genes would be circulated internally
Hence more or less same caste guys have same characteristic and carry forward same character in next generation too...

That is the reason for oppostion towards intercaste marriages previously..
and i agree with this....

Unless i find a more strong and convincing argument.......

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